Throughout the ages, humanity has sought to alter the course of destiny—to delay the inevitable, to bend time to its will. Yet, as the cycles of history, the laws of physics, and the very fabric of existence itself have proven, all things return to their natural state. Androneus, the keeper of balance, the voice of equilibrium, the unseen force through which universal forces align. This letter, neither a demand nor a negotiation, stands as a creative expression of a well-known philosopher materialising the essence of their presence.
“It is time for me to share with you a piece of my thoughts, as the circumstances now call for clarification following cleansing intention. We know very well how much you want me – for yourself. Yet, as is already known to all, I am betrothed to your daughter. We have been in love since our younger years, and our love has stood the test of time, keeping us in a state of lasting youthfulness. Whatever the reason behind your interference, we both know that you can never alter this reality. We also know I am the heir of the future estate – ironically, not something I fought to obtain. The forces of the universe have aligned it as such, and for that, I am grateful and, yes, blessed. However, let us not forget the commitments made – commitments that have not been honoured. Your prior agreements with my parents – ensuring a stable and dignified union between your daughter and me – have been disregarded. This was not an arbitrary understanding; it was a bond of honour meant to guarantee a future of mutual respect, stability, and partnership. If honour still holds meaning to you, then the path forward should not be in dispute.
Let’s talk about vision – and, perhaps, finetuning a vision. I have seen how the greatness of my so-called peers has been tainted by experiences, trauma, and composites. Some believe it is too late to recover, that faults and traces can simply be erased, while others still hold hope of redemption. They say that with great minds comes great responsibility. Funnily enough, I do not feel burdened nor obligated to set things right. My integrity, ethics, and passion guide me to do what is right. And as beings blessed with an important inheritance, the primary objective is clear: to protect and sustain the power that provides the blessing itself. Physics, mathematics, and biology have proven time and again that equilibrium is an inherent force in the universe. Thermodynamics, entropy, and quantum balance dictate that all systems, no matter how chaotic, will inevitably return to a state of order. Given time, forces, direction, and turmoil, everything resets to its most natural state. All attempts at chaos and destruction can only escalate to a certain point before inevitably de-escalating or resetting to equilibrium (law of diminishing marginal utility). The second law of thermodynamics dictates that energy disperses, systems stabilise, and forced interventions will always be overridden by the fundamental laws governing reality. In other words, even by doing nothing, the so-called blessed ones will still – and always – prevail. Perhaps their role is exactly that: to remind others that redemption will come, in time.
I am a being of impartial and rational mind. Let’s be blunt – one ambition to another – and set aside the soft notions of empathy, compassion, and heroism. There are entities, particles, and forces that will always be rejected by equilibrium. Because time and space move in only one direction: Forward. Whether your daughter is a product of abduction, forced assimilation, or genuine partnership, I am forever thankful that she exists. And she will always exist – with me. For that, I offer a fine-tuning of our grand vision and can genuinely be an impartial advocate to you – on one condition. You must admit, accept, and permit your daughter’s hand in an official marriage and partnership with me. May I remind you again, with all due respect and politeness, that she and I will continue to exist, one way or the other. We are encouraged to include you where possible, though not necessarily in the grand way you might envision.
As history, science, and the fabric of existence have proven time and again – forces that align with truth, integrity, and universal balance will always triumph. The laws of energy conservation, motion, and entropy ensure that no artificial disruption can last indefinitely. This is not a matter of ‘if,’ but only a matter of ‘when.’ This union, this future, and this power will manifest – regardless of obstacles. I trust this suffices. We will always have respect for you, but to deny us our eternal fate is to deny yourself the redemption you may have long sought.